Monday, November 4, 2019

Notes on this page

While perusing some of my blogs, I found this page, which I had forgotten that I set up. It was my intention to post the details of IMS Mangement on the IMS Producing Partners page, but I realized that the intention of that page was to post details such as Box Office reports and profit distributions, information that I do not want available to just anyone. So I created IMS Management as a place to post the organizational structure and other such information as a means of presenting proposal materials to person who may want to consider being involved in one way or another.

Clearly, producing a project, such as The Gnomes of New Hope; Zach & Zebby's Grand Adventure (and others) involves a staff of talented people, even though for the time being I am proceeding to craft the elements as much as possible without incurring the expense of maintaining personnel.

My approach to building this show, in fact the Studio operations, is to do as much as can be done to prepare for increased operations, so that when implementation occurs, then the schedule of events will flow smoothly. That involves not only The Core Creative Materials being in place and refined sufficiently that progression will not be impaired by any element holding up production, but it also involves having the facilities being set up in such a way as to allow for assorted personnel to be working in the environment. That means, for instance having the tools set up in a tool room or having the electrical closet secured and stocked. But it also means having the various other work areas properly set up; woodworking, metalworking, design & fabrication areas, office space, conference room, service areas, etc.. All of these areas are currently either being set up or have been in use, but are not yet accommodated to be general use work areas. Basically, that means that the composite of the work-space has been essentially my shop and my work habits are such that I leave the tools I'm using right where I'm using them, instead of putting them away. That goes for the supplies as well and that is not a good method when other people are also using the space.

That is why I would much prefer to have the existing studio remain a Proprietorship and the space be predominately my personal work space. I realize that that does not bode well for kicking production into high gear, so I am working to set the space up for a basic staff to be able to work effectively in. The existing space is 10k sq ft and if I can muster up some serious funds, I can double that space by taking over the machine shop. The problem there is that the machine shop is a separate operation, which needs to be run, to some degree, as a production shop. Something I'm not too interested in doing. But if that does happen I will be looking to sell off shares and establishing a Board of Directors to do that.

You will see from the post below that there is a larger plan for Image of the Mind Studios. I believe that I copied the information from The Business Plan. As you might see from other posts on The Gnomes of New Hope and Image of the Mind Studios blogs, I have been preparing The Business Plan as a PowerPoint Presentation, which is part of the materials that I will make available to Industry Professionals. If you are reading this and would like to have a copy of the DVD materials, send me an email at A Restrictive Covenant Agreement is necessary, which I will post here in the future (I may have posted it elsewhere before).

Sometimes it is hard to keep track of what materials have or have not been posted, so I apologize for any redundancy. Once I have the Restrictive Covenant Agreement signed and in my files, then we can move forward to get down to it. The main reason for presenting the Core Creative Materials is to gain sufficient funding too implement production, so if you want to review the materials it must be for the purposes of being involved either as an investor or as a staff member, but realize that until I have sufficient funding in place, we won't be hiring anyone. But you are welcome to inquire and/or present a resume.

I won't go into the volume of funding that needs to be gathered at this point, as I think the management documents make reference to that, but let me say that my immediate goal is to secure $7M for securing the facilities and until that happens, progress into production cannot happen. Those funds are only for the long term operation of facilities and not for any production activity. Other production activity is taking place, but it is doing so under limited implementation until such time as the production budget is fully developed, confirmed and thus funded and that will take place (under IMS Management) thru The Elder Gnomes Joint Venture and in accordance with the other organizations outlined in the Business Plan. You will note that there are other methods of implementing production which are identified in the Business Plan, but in any event, the funds for facilities must be the first order of business. There are other terms connected to those funds and that objective, but that is the first non-negotiable and absolute term for the advancement of The Gnomes of New Hope across the board. It is critical that I eliminate the burden of facilities before we can freely move forward. I do not want anything of that nature interfering with our progress.