Wednesday, August 10, 2022

Industry Review Package

The first and most important goal in this publishing endeavor is the publish those books that make up The Industry Review Edition. That Industry Review also contains elements of the Business Plan  and addresses Management Structure, Primary and Secondary Markets for the Core Creative Materials, but also addresses a number of principle Ancillary Markets. 

In regard to those Ancillary Markets, a number of them have been developed, in the prototype arena, since Image of the Mind Studios is primarily engaged in Development, with some degree of Pre-production and a limited degree of Production. The Business Plan addresses moving the larger product lines out of development, offering numerous option to implement progression, depending on the demand and financing parameters.

From the IMS standpoint, the project is advancing based on available resources, which has included Front Money provided on the basis of our Front Money Agreement. That agreement provides for a maximum return of three hundred percent under specific terms advantageous to our production process and giving us the maximum latitude for development. The Front Money is capped at $250k in capital and there is room for us to accept more funding via this agreement. 

There is also an In-kind Agreement allowing for resources and supplies to be provided, which also allows for the same kind of return.

I will address each of these subject in separate posts.


The Three Volume Set

If you have been watching The Gnomes of New Hope blog, then you are aware that the full collection of "Zach and Zebby's Grand Adventure" involves seven fully illustrated books. "Fully Illustrated" meaning a graphics panel, containing knock-out or scene artwork, on each of the nearly 800 pages.

The first Illustrated Storybook book being Volume One ; an introduction to The Gnomes of New Hope and the next three books, being Volume Two, contains Scenes One through Nine which corresponds to Act One of the stage musical. Volume Three, contains Books Four through Seven, which consists of Scenes Ten through Twenty and corresponds to Act Two of the stage musical. 

In addition to the Illustrated Storybooks there is also a Two Volume Libretto, which has illustrations to highlight the imagery of the scene and aid in design. Those illustrations were the inspiration for developing the Illustrated Storybooks. The Libretto is a technical theatre script, containing directing notes, such as blocking and business notes, and technical design notes, such as set, lighting and implementation, as well as the dialogue and lyrics. The Libretto will be included with the Industry Review Edition, making those presentation materials a Five Volume Set.

I will try to avoid rambling off subject, so I have moved my discussion of The Industry Review Package to it's own post. Refer to that post for the continuation of this line of thought.