Sunday, November 14, 2021

Management discussions

Here's one of the Lithos we will be producing as a collectable item.

  As the theatrical and film production of The Gnomes of New Hope draws ever closer to reality, more details of our progress will be posted here.  I may at times discuss details which are not easily understood by people who are not engaged in this activity, but for the most part those details will be posted on IMS Producing Partners. It's a fine line between posting classified business information and enough details to inform those persons who are not vested, but may like to consider being vested.

  Obviously, we need to raise significant funds to keep this project moving forward and at this time, the mechanism for doing that is to establish The Elder Gnomes Joint Venture. Some details have been posted below, but the more significant details are left to one-on-one business, taking place at my studio. Future activity may be remote from the studio, but to kick it all off, activity must take place at my offices. Let me just say that producing the larger project will involve millions of dollars, which I leave up to The Elder Gnomes Joint Venture to secure and manage, but my budget design does accommodate categories and su-categories that can be funded at various increments and does not require the Joint Venture to be in place. Although any funding will fall under the authority of the Elder Gnomes Joint Venture, IMS Management, and the Gnomes of New Hope Productions.  That's not to say that another management plan may present itself, but in the absence of another plan, those three organizations make up the Organizational Structure.

As it stands now, I am still engaged in Publishing Activities, so that Business Plan remains unimplemented. It is my hope that another plan will be revealed before I move to engage this three tiered management plan. Or at the very least, other partners will step up to implement that plan, because it is a very good structure.

I will continue this later.  AG