Basic Information
- In an effort to bring programing to Tamanend Park that does not depend on the "Shakespeareans of Tamanend Park" as a troupe of players and thus can be implemented by a skeleton staff of people we have begun the Cinema Under the Stars program.
- The intention is to offer those persons who are attracted to the work of The Bard, a way of gathering to watch films on the subject, Clearly the motive is to draw Shakespeareans to the Park and to entice them to become part of the Troupe.
- It is well understood that Shakespeare is not for everybody, so, having now established the equipment, supplies and assorted business relationships, which are necessary to present "Cinema Under the Stars", other films are also being presented for the enjoyment of the community.
- The program is designed to be supported by sponsorship from businesses and individuals in Southampton and surrounding communities.
- To effect this sponsorship, The Shakespearean Journal is being published and distributed; as a means of providing advertising to the community, which proclaims those persons included in the Journal to be supporters of what is being done in Tamanend Park.
- If at any time you care to be included among those supporters please make that desire known.
Details regarding the operation of Cinema Under the Stars"
- A budget has been developed accounting for the paid set-up and strike of the theatre, including lighting the trails and posting the announcement signs in and around the park, and the cost of mounting one film showing in the park exceeds eight hundred dollars.
- The arrangement with the film distributors does not allow for the purchase of display advertising because to use this advertising would compete with the cinema houses, therefore word of mouth, flyers and newsletters are most important for us to develop an audience for this project. Your assistance with this would be moist appreciated.
- We are able to rent the films for a flat fee because we are not charging admission to the films. That means that we depend on donations, sponsorship and a free will offering at the showing.
- In a way this simplifies matters because we do not have to contend with box office and security issues at the Meadow Amphitheater in the dark, outside.
Ways you can help to set-up and operate this "Cinema Under the Stars" program
- Posting flyers & handing out schedules of the films and other programs taking place in the park.
- We need assistance to set-up the illumination on the trails, to watch over the trail and help people to find their way to The Meadow Amphitheater.
- We have a concession stand where published information is available and where, if we have assistance in this, we can offer snacks to the people who attend the showings.
- If you care to produce a film series, we have a number of ideas, including a Film Festival.
Get involved
and help this to become a strong benefit to the community